Sunday, April 16, 2006

Matt's early lesson in suturing

So, we had to rush to the ER on Friday night. Don't worry--it had nothing to do with the baby. I stabbed my hand with a kitchen knife while pitting an avocado. I was just really tired and my hand just slipped. I was so mad because I had to leave the yummy dinner I had just prepared behind. I had pushed through my near exhaustion to have the meal, and Matt had to practically drag me out the front door. It was really bloody. Matt knew it was really deep and insisted we go. It turned out that the doctor that sewed me up is the preceptor for a couple of Matt's good friends (that means that they do a clerkship with him, which is kind of like an internship). As soon as he found out that Matt was in med school, he was very descriptive and basically started giving him a lesson. Apparently he teaches suturing at the Cornell campus (Cornell and Columbia fall under the same hospital umbrella), so it was his cup of tea. He did cosmetic sutures on my hand instead of the regular kind just to show Matt how it was done (which, I know from experience, take a lot longer). Matt takes his suturing class on Wednesday; if he had already had it he was going to have Matt do it by himself! He gave Matt the removal kit so that he can take them out for me when the time comes, so I will be Matt's first patient. :) Kind of fun...although I am going to be a little nervous since I know that removing stitches can be painful. My hand was really sore all day yesterday and I couldn't really use it. It is much better now. Matt and the doctor both said I was lucky to have hit a spot where there weren't any tendons and there are few nerves. The doctor thought it was really funny when I told him that, as far as I am concerned, I prefer to think that I don't have anything under my skin (since anything else just really grosses me out).

Well, it is getting late here so I had better go. Happy Easter everyone! 32 days left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bet it was one of those darn cutco knives!