Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Second Trimester

Today is the first day of the second trimester. Yay! That means our chances of miscarriage go way down, so that is comforting. I have posted an embarrassing picture of myself above to show you guys my little tummy since you can't see it in person. I guess I am about to get big really fast, so I will try to post a pic every week so you can all see the baby progress. It will be so much fun!!! Well, for some of us. Yes, we have a massive pile of laundry--try to pretend you don't see it. No, I haven't put the bedskirt on our bed yet. Wahoo was very excited to be in the picture with me. Too cute.
It is starting to sink in that there is an actual human growing inside of me. I think I will start refering to myself as "we". We went to work today. We walked six blocks and stood in line for a half hour just to get a decent burrito (at a place "our" coworkers pronounce "Chipodul"). We rode the subway and we went to Whole Foods. We had yummy salad for dinner when we got home. We will go to bed very soon.
I always knew I would love being pregnant, but I never knew how excited I would be to meet the baby. I always thought I would be sad to let the baby go (and maybe I will be, when the time comes), but I am just so excited to see what he/she will be like, what it will be like to hold him/her in my arms, what it will be like the first time I hear the baby mumble "mama". I think I will cry for a week for each of those things. And love every minute of it.
Well, I guess I should talke about non-baby stuff. Matt's parents are coming next week for Thanksgiving. We are going to the Radio City Christmas special, and we might go see them blowing up the balloons for the Macy's parade. Other than that, we will just stuff our faces like the rest of the country. One week after that I have to go to Miami for a couple of days for business, then one week after I get back, Brad and Heather are coming to visit (yay!), then right after they leave, we get to go to California! Yay. I am happy that things are going to move quickly for a while. The first few months here were just dragging. I am ready to be with family and hopefully friends, too.
Well, it is getting late so "we" had better go to bed.
Love you all! Miss you tons!


Eric Lee said...

Wow, very cool, Bren.

"Whenever I shave, I assume that somebody else in the world is shaving at that moment, so I say, 'I'm going to go shave, too.'"

-- Mitch Hedberg, R.I.P.




bren said...

Thanks, Debbie! That is really cool.

Anonymous said...

2nd trimester?? Oh my goodness! That's crazy. Have any strange people rubbed your belly yet? i hear that happens. And you DO live in New York, Capital of Strange People.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, long time no see! Mark randomly found a link to your blog from John Wright's blog.

So maybe it's a little late to say it but... congratulations!!

Whenever you have a little time to catch up, e-mail me at (and then I'll give you my REAL address).

Signing off from beautiful Newport Beach...

Shelly (and Mark over my shoulder)