Sunday, November 27, 2005


I woke up this morning feeling both congested and dehydrated, so I am just laying on the couch, doing nothing. I can't watch TV because the remotes are stuck somewhere under my sleeping dog and/or husband. I don't want to disturb them, because our dog is either hyper or sleeping, and I prefer sleeping at the moment. I am trying to start some Christmas shopping online, but I just keep wandering back to gapmaternity or the sherpa website (doggie carriers--Wahoo is flying home with us for Christmas). Uh-oh, the little one is awake! Oh, he just plopped back down on daddy.
I have a new tummy picture for you guys, but I can't find the attachment for my camera at the moment. I will try to find it later today.
I am getting kind of excited to start the nursery, but every time I think of buying baby stuff I get really overwhelmed. There is so much stuff to buy! Nursery furniture, toys, bath toys, baby towels, baby clothes, baby jackets, strollers, walkers, diaper bags, books, baby bedding, bottles, is just a lot to think about. I guess I should just start a running list.
So, I have been feeling the baby a little bit. No kicks or anything like that, but I can feel him/her land and settle when I readjust. Pretty cool. Most women start feeling kicks between 18-20 weeks, which is about two weeks from now. I can't wait. I go to the doctor again two weeks from Tuesday and there is a small chance we can find out the sex at that time. Otherwise it will have to wait until my visit next month.
Only three and a half weeks until California!!! That means Wahoo's, Inn-n-Out, Baja Fresh, Pat and Oscar's, the Black Bear Diner, BJ's, Del Taco and so many other yummy places to eat!!! It is a pregnant girl's dream Christmas. Oh, and we are excited to see family and friends, too. ;) Oh, man, I am hungry now.
Well, I guess it is lunch time here, and the dog is awake and trying to eat my hair.
Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda (and Matt),

I printed out your picture and blog from Nov. 16th and took it to Grandma Alexander.

Just wanted you to know that the minute I handed it to her, she dropped EVERYTHING and went to her little flowered couch to read it. She was delighted.


bren said...

Hey Deb,
That was so nice of you. Thank you for doing that. We are excited to meet you and your daughter very soon!

Charlie said...

1. I didn't know you guys had a blog until I found out today that Kallie & Josh have a blog. You've been added to my RSS reader!

2. I didn't know that you're pregnant! Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Guess what?? I'm actually at work right now delivering babies and then i thought of you and then i found your blog and then crap i have to go but i am so excited for you, we should talk soon bye.