Saturday, December 06, 2008

Blogging again

Okay, so it has been a while since I last blogged, but I did have a baby, so...yeah.  Yes, I have two babies now (three, including Wahoo).  It is pretty crazy, but I am surviving.  Do you remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe is left babysitting her brother's triplets by herself?  The apartment is destroyed, but everyone is alive at the end of the day?  Well, that is kind of how my life is now.  It really isn't so bad, it is just hard to get anything done.  I am just proud that I can get everyone fed and changed.  Sometimes I even have one free hand to click my way through Amazon and get some Christmas shopping done.  Exciting life, eh?

Most of you want to know about Addie, I assume, so I will get to it.  We are in love, of course, especially Lizzie!  She has really surprised us.  She wants to hold the baby ALL THE TIME, so I can't put Addie down ever.  Lizzie even tries to crawl into Addie's Pack n' Play to pick her up.  It is crazy, but I am glad Liz is like this instead of jealous or resentful.  Addie seems to like being held by Lizzie, too, so I am trying to ride this wave of sisterly love as long as possible (hopefully for the rest of their lives, but one step at a time).  Lizzie has developed the strange habit of doing a respectable baby impression when we change her diaper.  She flails her arms about, blinks and screeches annoyingly...oh, the joys of motherhood.  It drives me nuts, but I still can't help but laugh.  So, back to Addie...she seems pretty mellow.  She is a spitter, though.  I was shocked when she lost her dinner that first night on the hospital, and it broke my heart to see the fear on her face as it just kept coming and she couldn't catch her breath.  I will never forget that face for the rest of my life!  She was losing so much milk at first that I was really concerned, but the doctor did a weight check and she was gaining like a pro, so she is fine.  Her checks are already monstrously chubby and she is well on her way to being a decent butterball.  We have her one month checkup on Monday and I am curious to see what she weighs now.

I guess I should mention that the labor and delivery was AWESOME, at least compared to last time.  I was really surprised that she didn't come on her own (so was my doctor), and it was very weird to go to the hospital to have a baby and NOT be in labor.  Every cabbie for the last month or two of pregnancy would constantly check to see if I was in labor.  I think they secretly want to have to rush a laboring woman to the hospital.  The guy we had that night was really confused because we had my giant overnight bag with us, but I was talking on the phone, giving him instructions, etc.  I thought it was funny. doctor and I decided to induce for several reasons, and I was fortunate to have everything go very smoothly.  It was so much less traumatic than the first time that I can still hardly believe it even happened.  I certainly can't believe it has already been a month!  I know everyone says this, but I can barely remember what it was like without her.

Well, we have only two and a half weeks left in NYC.  We are so glad that we did most of the moving already.  Yay, we did something right!  We still have to get our stuff organized, though, because the movers are picking our stuff up from our storage unit.  That means that we have to get everything that can't fit into our bags over to storage before the movers come.  It really isn't too much stuff, but I am stressing about it a bit.  Plus we have a few fun things we want to do before we leave the city, but it is hard to get everything squeezed into a short time period.  I was able to sneak away to get a haircut today and NYC at Christmastime is just amazing.  I know I will miss that the most.  It is much easier to feel attached to this place at this time of year: cold (but not miserable) weather, beautiful decorations, Christmas trees out on the streets, kids all bundled up (including my own!), etc.  I am glad we are leaving when I feel sad to leave...summers are miserable here and I wouldn't want to leave on a bad note.

We have so many pictures of the girls from the last month that it is really hard to pick ones to post, but I will try to get some up soon.  Love you all and we are excited to see many of you very soon!


The Howe Family said...

Thanks for the updates! Hope you got my voice mail...the automated lady on there was kind of strange, so I wasn't sure it worked?? Will you please email me the best address to send your Christmas card? Thanks! ENJOY your time left in NY. :) Can't wait to see more photos of the girls!!

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