Monday, February 20, 2006

90 days to go!

Well, it is actually only 87 now. Last week was a crazy one. Matt and I went to this fabulous place for dinner on Valentine's Day. It should have been super expensive, but for some reason they only make you pay your age after 8:00 p.m. It was awesome. We are pretty sure that we saw Al Franken there, too. So, I guess there are some cool things about NYC. The next day I went to a Knicks game with work since one of our printers invited us to share their skybox. It was the Knicks, so the game wasn't that great, but it was a fun experience. We also got most of the baby furiture that day. Sadly, going out twice in a row thoroughly exhausted me, so I don't remember much of Thursday. Matt came down to meet me for lunch on Friday, so that was really nice. He doesn't do that often because it is pretty far for just lunch. He went to MOMA after that and I think he had a pretty good time.
Anywhoski...we have spent most of the weekend catching up on Olympics and cleaning up our place. We are still getting organized--we never really did that when we first moved here. I have a pretty bad cold so I have been trying to rest and sleep it off (I can't take any medicine). Matt started to put the baby's furniture together, but some of the pieces were damaged. He had to take all the pieces out to make sure we saw all the damage, so the nursery is full of random pieces of wood. I ordered the replacement parts today, but it sucks that he had to stop before he really got started.
Also, Matt tried to upgrade the desktop processor and may have sent his old friend to a not-so-early grave. That would be sad. :( Oh, and Wahoo chewed my laptop cord again, so I had to steal the fancy Mac to write this post.
The baby is still a little kicker. If I push on my stomach when she is awake, she will kick my hand. If I rub a certain spot, she moves to be under my hand. I hope that means she is a cuddler! I can't wait to hold her in my arms, but I think Matt is ready to steal her from me the second the cord is cut. I have had her this long, so I guess I can share her.

Alright, here is the latest picture. I know, I know...I am huge, but most women who I talk to can't believe that I am 6 months--they think my tum is too small. I sure hope I don't get too much bigger because I feel like I am going to explode. I am standing in the nursery in this picture so you can see the color of the walls. :)


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! i like the sunshine-y room! i'm glad she's a kicker; she'll be a welcome addition to Team Baby Jesus 2.0. :)

Mark said...

You guys are going to be such great parents!

Anonymous said...

Ok, not gonna lie. I'm at work, with all of these stranger pregnant ladies, and I wish you were delivering here at Mary Birch, so that I can check your cervix, b/c how fun would that be!!