Monday, August 06, 2007


So, I know it has been forever since I posted...we have been busy and all of that. I just wanted to say hello. Lizzie is walking a bunch and talking a little. She is working very hard on saying "doggie" these days (it sounds like a very forceful "gaga"). She has also started to try to play fetch with him. She will take his toy away (and he lets her...weird, I know) and then throw it on the ground. She usually only throws it about a foot, but sometimes it hits the floor just right and goes flying. Super cute. Anyway, it is nice that she is finally on a semi-normal schedule since we haven't traveled in 6 whole weeks. I think we are finally starting to develop a good groove.

I don't really have any new pics right now. I haven't uploaded the camera in a while. I took some cute ones tonight of the baby eating chicken soup for the first time. She is so big. She gobbled it up! So cute. Of course, most of it ended up on her shirt, then the floor, then it became Wahoo's dinner.

Matt is super busy these days. He is currently on his neurology rotation and he obviously loves it. I can tell he is enjoying himself even though he has been working 13 hour days and was on call all weekend. I am bummed he is gone so much, but sometimes it is better to have him out of the house if he can't spend time with us. I mean, it is really hard not to talk to him or ask him for help with the baby and to have to basically pretend he isn't there. It is much easier if he is just gone. Of course, I would rather him be home and not doing homework, but that usually isn't an option. We just booked a little getaway to see the fall foliage, so we will get some good time together then.

Well, the battery is dying on the laptop and I need to finish watching Jesus Camp. Talk to you later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! i can't wait to see you all! i can't believe Lizzie is walking and talking!