Monday, March 01, 2010


Okay, so the following post has been sitting unfinished on my computer screen for over a week:

So...nothing big going on here, just keeping the blog going. Matt's month off is over, which is awful and wonderful at the same time. Awful because he is gone again, wonderful because we are really in the home stretch now. He went back to work a week ago and it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it is still emotionally challenging to have him home, then gone, then home, then gone and only knowing his work schedule at most 4 weeks in advance, then trying to figure out when he will home from that, etc., etc. However, we do have one week down this month, then we have my mom coming this weekend, then Matt's parents soon after that and by that point we will only have three months to go! Woohoo!

We have been through some big changes with Lizzie over this last month. We finally found the right preschool for her after a few months of searching. It is at a Lutheran church and school that is really close (some of the other ones that seemed reasonable were as far as Cupertino which would be at least 20 minutes each way). The teachers are so loving and helpful.

I know I should probably indent those paragraphs, but I'm not gonna. So, yes, the preschool is great! Our life is very different now. For a few weeks we had speech MF and preschool TTh, but now speech has been consolidated to one longer session on Fridays only. The extra day off makes a big difference. For a while there I felt like I never got to sit down! I love preschool days (like today) because I get to run errands with only one baby or stay home and spend quality time with Addie. I try to get work done around the house, but Addie is usually so excited to have me to herself that she wants to play or be held and I am happy to give her that one-on-one time that she deserves. She is down for an early nap today, so here I am. Matt is actually home today. It is his one 24 hour period that they are legally required to give him each week. Lucky him! But he is off running his own errands and I am trying to get lots of paperwork-type stuff done. Life is so much work!

I am realizing that none of this is very interesting, but if I wait for interesting stuff, I never blog. mom was just here, which was really nice. I got a lot done, but mostly it was really nice for the kids to see their grandma. Matt's parents are coming soon and we have some other stuff planned, so hopefully this month will go quickly and we will be that much closer to the end of this crazy year!

I am really looking forward to this summer! We have had some "warm" days (I think they are warm, but when I check the temperature it is only in the high 50s--ha!) and it is getting me excited to make lots of beach trips and hopefully swim lessons for both girls. I am a little worried about Lizzie getting bored without preschool, though. Matt will be around for at least weekends, so we should be able to do some camping and fun stuff! Our first real summer in California with kids--I can't wait!

We are finally uploading tons of old videos...hopefully I will get some on here soon. :)

I guess that's about it! Lots of love to you all!